9 квітня 2021 р.

День космонавтики

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Космонавтика в наш час

How did humans conquer space?

An interesting lesson using https://ua.mozaweb.com/ resources was conducted for students of the fifth, sixth, seventh, and eighth grades, which was the start of our activities in the “Space Is Our Future” project.

This lesson presents the most important milestones in the conquest of space. Each milestone is illustrated with 3D animations that help students understand the achievements. The lesson aims to get students familiarised with the physics of how rockets lift off by describing two experiments.

1.The idea of travelling into space

● Introducing the topic with the quotation from Socrates, Briefly talking about Jules Verne’s novels, The spacecraft of Jules Verne’s characters, Is it possible to travel to space this way?

2. Travelling into space by rocket

● Presenting Tsiolkovsky’s work (the fundamentals of space exploration)

● Watching the related experiments together (Plastic bottle rocket, Baking powder rocket), Drawing conclusions, How to do the experiments (preparations, planning)

● Explaining Wernher von Braun’s work

● Watching and discussing the 3D animation about the V–2 rocket together, Explaining the competition between the two superpowers during the Cold War; introducing the term space race

● Watching and discussing the 3D animation about the spacecraft Sputnik– together

● The story of Laika,The story of Belka and Strelka – students work in pairs

3. Humans in space, Space exploration today

● Watching and discussing the 3D animation about Gagarin and the spacecraft Vostok, Clarifying the meaning of spacewalk through the story of the astronaut, Leonov, Explaining the Apollo program, Watching and discussing the 3D animation about the landing on the Moon, Getting familiar with the achievements of the past decades through

Students got acquainted with the most important milestones of space conquest.

Students understood the motivating factors and driving forces of space development. They got acquainted with technological devices and their physics, which contributed to the conquest of space.

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