12 квітня 2021 р.





Віртуальний тур Національним музеєм космонавтики ім. С.П.Корольова у Житомирі.

Запрошуємо вас здійснити віртуальну прогулянку єдиним в Україні музеєм космонавтики.

Уявіть себе відважним підкорювачем космічних глибин та пройдіться під величезним космічним кораблем, детально роздивіться осколки метеорита, місячний ґрунт та дізнайтесь, яку їжу в тюбиках брали в політ космонавти.

Експозиція була створена Народним художником України Гайдамакою Анатолієм Васильовичем.



We travel without leaving our classroom

Cultural life in conditions in a state of emergency situation must be continued. Therefore, an online excursion for students was realized and conducted.

A lesson in a museum is a great opportunity to put school knowledge into practice in an unusual space flight situation. And although the flight is not real yet, the students have to solve real problems.

It was the virtual tour of the National Museum of Cosmonautics named after S.P.Korolyova in Zhytomyr. This is the only one museum of cosmonautics in Ukraine.

The students imagined themselves as brave conquerors of space depths and walked under a huge spaceship, they looked in detail at the fragments of the meteorite, the lunar soil and got to know about food in tubes the astronauts took in their flight.

The exposition was created by the Public artist of Ukraine Anatolii Vasylovych Haidamaka.

The tour ended with a final conversation, during which we summarized, systematized what we saw and heard, we highlighted the most important and expressed our impressions and assessments.

Visiting the museum motivated students to create beautiful drawings of future spacecrafts.

Feedback from students about visiting the museum.

I remember the Soyuz-27 spacecraft's lander; 9 milligrams of lunar soil; exhibition sample of the Soyuz spacecraft, models of the Lunokhod-2 and the life-size launch vehicle of the Gagarin Vostok; astronauts flying things, space food. If the opportunity arises, my family and I will definitely visit this museum (Makhnitska Vladislava, 6th grade student)

Here you can see numerous examples of space technology, look at simulators, which were worked on by experienced specialists, get acquainted with the landing spacecraft, in which the astronauts returned to earth, a rocket engine. It is possible to contemplate the model of the Moonwalker-2, spacesuits. An important role in the feeling of space is played by the central part of the exhibition "Space" - a small pool filled with water in the center of the hall, which houses the Bible. I also liked the short videos, which tell about welding in space, sound recording. (Mikhail Grinik, 8th grade student)

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