9 травня 2018 р.

"How to solve math"

"How to solve math "- This seemingly simple question has plagued countless generations of parents and children. Solving math questions can be difficult, but what makes it worse is if a child has no interest in the subject. To encourage a child to learn math, we must help him or her to develop interest. 
Young children are drawn to things that are colourful and interactive. Parents should make full use of such instincts to push math-related games to them. To your kids, math games are games, not math. There are plenty of free math games and apps available to let your kids enjoy the fun of math, and a good math game will layer in incentives and different levels of difficulty to attract the child.
If traditional assessment books are not working for your child, it is time to consider using math games. While games may seem less educational, they will be much more effective for your child’s learning because they arouse an interest in the subject – which is the first step towards independent and active learning.

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